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Erik Sumo Band feat. Erzsi Kiss (Hungary)


Sat, Jul 24, 2010
7 pm
Evening ticket: 10 € / 8 € (2 concerts + film)
Erik Sumo Band feat. Erzsi Kiss, Foto: Bruno Vecchio

Surreal Eastern Soundtrack

What began as singer/songwriter Ambur Tövisházi‘s one-man invention has now turned into a seven- headed project: in his own words, Erik Sumo from Budapest makes "electronic music out of wood“.

In this progressive indie pop, with distorted vocals, subbasses, and Beatles-like harmonies, we can still sense its Hungarian origins in the rhythms and harmonies. His last creation is called "The Trouble Soup", a CD-crock pot of rockabilly, chanson, reggae and folk. As a special ingredient he also creates an imaginary language not unlike French. But time and again Balkan elements trickle through these highly melodic songs with guitar and vintage organ: a creation somewhere between cloud-cuckoo-land and the Danube.