Programme HKW

Visual Sonic Pluriverse Festival: Terapia

Sonic Pluriverse Festival


Concerts, Live Sets, DJ Sets, Artist Talks, Workshop, Food Stands

All Dates
Dengue Dengue Dengue. Photo: Jahel Guerra & Daniela Carvalho

Bonga, Dengue Dengue Dengue, VHOOR

Concert, Live Set, DJ Set


19:00 Bonga (Concert)
21:00 Dengue Dengue Dengue (Live Set)
22:00 VHOOR (DJ Set)

Ilê Aiyê. Courtesy of the artist

Ajate, Ilê Aiyê



19:00 Ajate (Concert)
20:30 Ilê Aiyê (Concert)

Kwashibu Area Band feat. Pat Thomas

Kwashibu Area Band feat. Pat Thomas, Charles Amoah & K.O.G.: Soundway presents “Ghana Special”, Edna Martinez, Oroko Radio Takeover

Concert, DJ sets


19:00 Edna Martinez (DJ Set)
20:00 Kwashibu Area Band feat. Pat Thomas, Charles Amoah & K.O.G.: Soundway presents: “Ghana Special” (Concert)
22:00 Oroko Radio Takeover mit Nico Adomako B2B Moneyama (DJ Set)

Illustration by Diana Ejaita

About Us

Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) is guided by the quest for strategies of how to live and better inhabit this world together. It is a house in which cultures of conviviality and hospitality are sown, nurtured to blossoming, and disseminated.

Programme HKW

Initiative Creative Gaming, Workshop im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe

Ballet of the Masses

On Football and Catharsis 

Architecture, Discourse, Film, Literature, Music, Performance, Sports

All Dates
Workshop at the Sophie-Brahe-Schule (2023). Photo: Laura Fiorio

HKW—I feel you

Special – Ballet of the Masses

Guided tour for blind, visually impaired and sighted visitors


With Petra Fischer and Heike Hamann

Kwashibu Area Band feat. Pat Thomas

Kwashibu Area Band feat. Pat Thomas, Charles Amoah & K.O.G.: Soundway presents “Ghana Special”, Edna Martinez, Oroko Radio Takeover

Concert, DJ sets


19:00 Edna Martinez (DJ Set)
20:00 Kwashibu Area Band feat. Pat Thomas, Charles Amoah & K.O.G.: Soundway presents: “Ghana Special” (Concert)
22:00 Oroko Radio Takeover mit Nico Adomako B2B Moneyama (DJ Set)

Visual: Courtesy the artist

Pitch Poetics: Football Commentary as Oralture

Sound Installation



Programme HKW

Image: film stills from Aquel Verano del 22, 2024

Towards an Earth Assembly

With Teresa Vicente, Elizabeth Gallón Droste & Alexander Rodriguez Mena, and Erena Rangimarie Omaki Ransfield Rhöse & Lester Ransfield



Moderated by Paz Guevara

Books Internationaler Literaturpreis – Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2024

Award Ceremony Inter­nationaler Literatur­preis 2024

Award Ceremony, Sonic Intervention, Discussion, DJ Set

Visual Overcoming the Present

Overcoming the Present


Discussion series with Max Czollek

Sabar Dance Workshops



Sabar Drumming Workshops



Bwa Kayiman—Tout Moun se Moun


Performances, Readings, Discussions, Concerts, DJ Set

Aziza Ahmad for Archive Books

Resignifying Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW)

HKW ventures to resignify each public space in its historic building with the names of women from different worlds who have contributed to the betterment of them.


Equal participation in and accessibility to exhibitions, cultural events, and performances is important to HKW. Here you will find detailed information on barrier-free transportation to and from HKW and the forms of accessibility within the building.
Visual Schools of Sustainability

Schools of Sustainability

Agency in the Face of Crisis

Destination: Tashkent

Experiences of Cinematic Internationalism