Video: Susanne Dzeik, Markus Bauer, Aline Bonvin


Carl-von-Linné-Schule with Bauereignis Sütterlin Wagner Architekten

Carl von Linnée Schule, © Bauereignis Sütterlin Wagner Architekten

The school building of the Carl-von-Linné-Schule, commissioned in 1977, is ample and spacious. In an architectural workshop with Bauereignis Sütterlin Wagner Architekten, the 5th grade students researched their school. Blueprints were studied, the building and grounds were inspected, surveys and evaluations carried out, new ideas were translated into models and drawings. In the end, new furnishings were created for the classroom.

Photos and a poster documenting the design process can be viewed in one of the school windows on the audio walk through Lichtenberg starting in June.