
Deus é Brasileiro (God is Brazilian)

D: Carlos Diegues

Sat, Jul 26, 2014
10 pm
Admission: Evening ticket (2 concerts + film) 16€/14€, film only 6€/4€
Open-Air on the roof terrace
Deus é Brasileiro (God is Brazilian), film still, © Promo

Brazil 2003, 110 min, English subtitles

God is tired and he needs a vacation. So he comes down to earth to find a good person who can temporarily assume his responsibilities. The problem is that even God is hard-pressed to track down the chosen one, and he is launched into a road movie. But Quinca, the destined “saint” who champions the Indians, is a staunch atheist... This shrewd satire captivates through its humorous portrayal of society, its spectacular imagery as well as an atmospheric soundtrack from the coastal region Pernambuco, the home of the musician Lenine. Starring as God’s sidekick: “Elite Squad” actor Wagner Moura.