Mini SPIN by Anna Seymour
Su., 9.6.2024
Magnus Hirschfeld Bar
Free entry
Introduction in German Sign language (DGS) by Eyk Kauly

Photo: Jacquie Manning
SPIN is an interactive dance rave with three deaf hosts and a DJ. Inspired by club culture and social dance scenes in San Francisco and Berlin as well as across Mexico and Cuba, SPIN celebrates connection, escapism, hedonism, and the ancient/modern powers of dance rituals. It’s a playful interrogation of who can belong and coexist in dance rave spaces, challenging assumptions that deaf people do not belong in these spaces. This performance shifts perspectives about the intersectionality of deaf culture, dance, and music. Mini SPIN is specifically targeted for deaf, hard of hearing, CODA, and their families, but open to all.
Mini SPIN invites everyone to dance along, deaf or hearing! The noise level is approx. 75 dB. We recommend hearing protection for sensitive children. A limited amount is available to borrow, please bring your own where possible. We recommend that babies remain with childcare.