Mirjam Zadoff is a historian and exhibition organizer. She studied in Vienna and Munich, was, among other things, Professor of Jewish Studies & History at Indiana University Bloomington, and has been director of the NS Documentation Center Munich since 2018. Her exhibitions there include: Materializing. Contemporary Art and the Shoah in Poland, 2023; TO BE SEEN. Queer Lives 1900-1950, 2022; and Tell me about yesterday tomorrow. An Exhibition on the Future of the Past, 2019. Her publications include: Gewalt und Gedächtnis. Globale Erinnerung im 21. Jahrhundert [Violence and Memory. Global Memory in the 21st Century], 2023, and Next Year in Marienbad. The Lost Worlds of Jewish Spa Culture, 2010. Zadoff lives and works in Munich.

As of September 2023