The 57-year-old Nigerian journalist Peter Emorinken-Donatus is winner of the 2022 Panter Prize Award (Jury), educator, environmental and human rights activist, long-time opponent of the multinational oil company Shell, and one of the Global South’s leading voices in Germany for environmental/climate justice, where he has been living for more than three decades. Emorinken-Donatus is, among others, initiator, co-founder and spokesperson of the movement Bündnis Ökozidgesetz (German Alliance for Ecocide Law), founded with the aim of criminalizing ecocide. In 1997, Emorinken-Donatus received an award from the Business Crime Control (BCC) for his civil courage and commitment against environmental and white-collar crimes. He is currently researching the topic of forced migration and displacement as it relates to the environment, ecocides, and climate catastrophe.