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Berlinale 2024 at HKW

HKW Hosts | Filme

The 74th edition of the Berlin International Film Festival will once again be hosted by Haus der Kulturen der Welt. This time with a cross-genre programme from all sections of the festival: from documentary formats to short films and feature-length productions. HKW is looking forward to welcoming all cineasts to this celebration of film culture.

  • Sun., 25.2.2024

    from 10:00

  • Fri., 16.2.2024

    from 12:15

  • Sat., 17.2.2024

    from 10:00

  • Sun., 18.2.2024

    from 11:00

  • Mon., 19.2.2024

    from 10:00

  • Tue., 20.2.2024

    from 10:00

  • Wed., 21.2.2024

    from 10:00

  • Thu., 22.2.2024

    from 10:00

  • Fri., 23.2.2024

    from 10:00

  • Sat., 24.2.2024

    from 10:00

Detailed information and tickets auf berlinale.de