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Theatre of Reconciliation

Monthly discussion series


Visual Theatre of Reconciliation

In the discussion series Theatre of Reconciliation, Max Czollek encounters people who are exploring questions of memory. How do societies remember? What does the much-lauded German Erinnerungskultur—culture of remembrance—have to do with the question of belonging? What does remembrance mean for the German, European, and international present? 

The focus of the series rests on a pluralistic present, especially that of German society, and on all those without whom the present would look very different. The 2023 series Theatre of Reconciliation is guided by the motto it has been, and is followed in 2024 with the series Overcoming the Present, this time underpinned by the notion it could have been. These will be joined by further series passing through the phases is and will be, before arriving, with the future perfect, at will have been.

The title of the 2023 series is also the title of Max Czollek’s third volume of essays, Versöhnungstheater, published by Carl Hanser Verlag in 2023.