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The Oracle (Video still), Lou Cantor, 2020–23

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Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam, film still. Courtesy Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Wiesbaden

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Still of Fatou Kandé Senghor, Giving Birth, 2015

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Courtesy of Power Station Art

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Welcome by Dr Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss, Curator (Scientific, Digital, and Media Practices), AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 28.7.2023. Photo: Silke Briel/HKW

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AI: African Intelligence, Screening and Conversation with Manthia Diawara & Kwasi Konadu, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 28.7.2023. Photo: Silke Briel/HKW

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When the Spirits Dance We, Performance by Adama Delphine Fawundu, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 28.7.2023. Photo: Silke Briel/HKW

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When the Spirits Dance We, Performance by Adama Delphine Fawundu, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 28.7.2023. Photo: Silke Briel/HKW

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There is No Such Thing as Past or Future! AI Colonialism, Ancestral Immediacies and the Order of the Multiple Present Screening of ‘Deep Down Tidal’ by Tabita Rezaire and Keynote by Karen Hao, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 29.7.2023. Photo: Silke Briel/HKW

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AI: Ancestral Interconnection, the Multidimensional Aspect of Datas, Performance by Nane Khale, Zora Snake, Exocé Existe & Astan Meyer, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 29.7.2023. Foto: Silke Briel/HKW

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Holding Deadlock, Keynote byTung-Hui Hu, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 29.7.2023. Foto: Silke Briel/HKW

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Counter-Futuring: Past Futures and Speculative Presences of Computing, Keynote by Özgün Eylül İşcen, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 30.7.2023. Foto: Silke Briel/HKW

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Part of the Fabric of the Universe, and in a Particular Position to Marvel at its Great Beauty, Panel with Sammy Baloji, Outi Laiti, Marisa Duarte & Karen Hao, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 30.7.2023. Foto: Silke Briel/HKW

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I I I (something flat, something cosmic, something endless), Performance by SERAFINE1369, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 30.7.2023. Foto: Silke Briel/HKW

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I I I (something flat, something cosmic, something endless), Performance by SERAFINE1369, AI: Ancestral Immediacies, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 30.7.2023. Foto: Silke Briel/HKW

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