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Exhibition view Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Exhibition view Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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César Olhagaray, Solidarität [Solidarity] (1986/2024), mural, mixed media on canvas, reproduction, 3,1 x 9,4 m © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, courtesy of the artist. Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Exhibition view Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Exhibition view Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Exhibition view Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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César Olhagaray, Solidarität [Solidarity] (1986/2024), mural, mixed media on canvas, reproduction, 3,1 x 9,4 m © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, courtesy of the artist. Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Dito Tembe, Madgermanes (2023), series of 8 reproductions of original oil paintings on canvas (detail), courtesy of the artist. Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Dito Tembe, Madgermanes (2023), series of 8 reproductions of original oil paintings on canvas (detail), courtesy of the artist. Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Dito Tembe, Madgermanes (2023), series of 8 reproductions of original oil paintings on canvas (detail), courtesy of the artist. Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Dito Tembe, Madgermanes (2023), series of 8 reproductions of original oil paintings on canvas (detail), courtesy of the artist. Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Santos Chávez, Tierra del Sur (1985); Astro creador de mi pueblo (1968); Homenaje a S. Nattino/Niña con flores (1985); Mi amada viene del mar (1994); Pastor dormido (1984), reproductions of woodcut prints, dimensions variable, courtesy of Fundación Santos Chávez. Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Christoph Wetzel, Das jüngste Gericht [The last judgement] (1987), oil on fibreboard, 165 x 250 cm © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, courtesy of Museum Utopie und Alltag (Kunstarchiv Beeskow). Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Exhibition view Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Horst Weber, Menschliches Verhalten [Human behaviour] (1978–79), oil on canvas, collage, 120 x 160 cm, courtesy of Museum Utopie und Alltag (Kunstarchiv Beeskow). Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Heinz-Karl Kummer, Solidarität [Solidarity] (1978), oil on wood, 100 x 230 cm, courtesy of Museum Utopie und Alltag (Kunstarchiv Beeskow) and Estate Heinz-Karl Kummer. Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Symbole der deutsch-sowjetischen Freundschaft [Symbol of German-Soviet friendship] (1977), tapestry, 214 x 136 cm, work by students from the Weißensee Academy of Art in Berlin and the Vera Muchina Higher School of Art and Design in Leningrad (commissioned by the Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft), courtesy of Museum Utopie und Alltag (Kunstarchiv Beeskow). Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW

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Heinz-Karl Kummer, Solidarität [Solidarity] (1978), oil on wood, 100 x 230 cm. Photo: Thomas Kläber, courtesy Museum Utopie und Alltag (Kunstarchiv Beeskow) and Estate Heinz-Karl Kummer

Heinz-Karl Kummer, Solidarität [Solidarity] (1978), oil on wood, 100 x 230 cm. Photo: Thomas Kläber, courtesy Museum Utopie und Alltag (Kunstarchiv Beeskow) and Estate Heinz-Karl Kummer

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Gertraude Pohl, Wandbilder an Industriebauten [Murals on industrial buildings] (1985–86). Photo: Peter Garbe, courtesy of the artist © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

Gertraude Pohl, Wandbilder an Industriebauten [Murals on industrial buildings] (1985–86). Photo: Peter Garbe, courtesy of the artist © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

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Dito Tembe, Rememberances of Germany (2023), oil painting on canvas, original 110 x 100 cm, reproduction 345 x 306 cm. Photo: Mariano Silva, courtesy of the artist

Dito Tembe, Rememberances of Germany (2023), oil painting on canvas, original 110 x 100 cm, reproduction 345 x 306 cm. Photo: Mariano Silva, courtesy of the artist

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Christoph Wetzel, Das jüngste Gericht [The last judgement] (1987), oil on fibreboard, 165 x 250 cm, Museum Utopie und Alltag (Kunstarchiv Beeskow) © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

Christoph Wetzel, Das jüngste Gericht [The last judgement] (1987), oil on fibreboard, 165 x 250 cm, Museum Utopie und Alltag (Kunstarchiv Beeskow) © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

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Verena Kyselka, Stimmen aus Vietnam [Voices from Vietnam] (2023), film still showing Nguyen Thi Ung © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

Verena Kyselka, Stimmen aus Vietnam [Voices from Vietnam] (2023), film still showing Nguyen Thi Ung © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

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Verena Kyselka, Stimmen von Künstler:innen [Voices of artists] (2023), film still showing Dito Tembe in Schwerin in 1986 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

Verena Kyselka, Stimmen von Künstler:innen [Voices of artists] (2023), film still showing Dito Tembe in Schwerin in 1986 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

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Kiluanji Kia Henda, Karl Marx, Luanda (2005), inkjet print on fine art paper (triptych), detail. Courtesy of Galleria Fonti, Naples

Kiluanji Kia Henda, Karl Marx, Luanda (2005), inkjet print on fine art paper (triptych), detail. Courtesy of Galleria Fonti, Naples

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Envelope of a letter sent from Vietnam by Vũ Kim Khoa to Andreas Mroß, re-establishing their contact with one another in 1988. Ever since, they have nurtured a friendship around photography via letters, emails, Facebook exchanges, as well as collaborative photo exhibitions in Eberswalde and Berlin. Courtesy of Andreas Mroß

Envelope of a letter sent from Vietnam by Vũ Kim Khoa to Andreas Mroß, re-establishing their contact with one another in 1988. Ever since, they have nurtured a friendship around photography via letters, emails, Facebook exchanges, as well as collaborative photo exhibitions in Eberswalde and Berlin. Courtesy of Andreas Mroß

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