Your search returned the following 262 results:

Accompanying program: Radiophonic Spaces

medium's own noises. At the same time, these inherent noises were starting points for aesthetic and

Fri 1.08.2014

Norberto Lobo

Wassermusik: Lusofonia
Primitive” school around John Fahey and the atonal aesthetic of New Music. It makes space for the electric

Sat 7.08.2021

Escape From Rented Island: The Lost Paradise of Jack Smith

21 Sunsets
sympathetically experience the aesthetic choices behind the work of Jack Smith. This strategy that I have chosen

Fri 25.03.2022

Grid Memory

Talk, lecture, presentation
The Whole Life. Archives & Imaginaries
post-conflict transition seems to foster a dominant database logic and aesthetic in our societies. Can

Fri 25.01.2008

club transmediale: unpredictable

Concerts / Performances
transmediale.08: CONSPIRE...
the dynamics of creative processes and to discover new aesthetic forms. Intentional coincidences

Mon 5.10.2015

A Collective Memory: A process of construction in constant deconstruction

Salon of Aesthetic Experiments and International Symposium
within the framework of “Salon of Aesthetic Experiments,” a collaborative project with the Graduate (...)
Salon of Aesthetic Experiments and International Symposium

Sun 7.02.2016

Keynote Conversation: Anxious to Act

Keynote Conversation / Anxious to Act
transmediale/ conversationpiece
each in their own ways combine analytic, aesthetic, and strategic approaches to visual culture. They

Fri 16.09.2011

Book presentation “Meridian | Urban. Curatorial Projects on Health”

Meridian | Urban
and cultural peculiarities. In a cross between physical exercise and aesthetic examination, the five

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid 2013

Contemporary visual culture occupies the interface between aesthetic, social and political issues

Love and Ethnology: More about the project

and the aesthetic avant-garde of post-war West Germany.

Thu 7.11.2019


New Alphabet School
social and interventionist practice contributes skills in creating aesthetic and affective spaces within

Wed 11.09.2019

Narratives of Scale in the Anthropocene

correlation and interaction between aesthetic, literary, scientific and media narratives and the manifold

Sun 21.01.2018

Gabrielle Chomentowski: Traveling to Study Cinema: The African Students in the USSR in the 1960s–1970s

Saving Bruce Lee – African and Arab Cinema in the Era of Soviet Cultural Diplomacy
some African countries, and the human, technical, and aesthetic cross-fertilization that took place (...)
relationship between the USSR and some African countries, and the human, technical, and aesthetic cross

Tue 18.06.2019

Award Ceremony: Internationaler Literaturpreis 2019

Readings, conversations, discussions
Internationaler Literaturpreis 2019
in its aesthetic as it is, in its own way, a stunning tribute to the power of literature. (...)
familiar. Each one is as radical in its aesthetic as it is, in its own way, a stunning tribute to the power

Fri 4.12.2009

What's Literature got to do with it?

Literary discussion
Lifelines #2: Nuruddin Farah
their writings? Is there a tension between an obligatory social commentary and artistic and aesthetic

Investigative Commons

the ways in which new technologies and aesthetic sensibilities might define and transform how we

Première Brasil 2013

be portrayed in images. The aesthetic and moral values of arts and of film – the seventh art form


due to the physical and meteorological alterations of the Anthropocene, our aesthetic orientation is


due to the physical and meteorological alterations of the Anthropocene, our aesthetic orientation is

Radio Wars

for access to electromagnetic space. Meanwhile, the investors have already discovered the aesthetic