Your search returned the following 365 results:

Thu 1.07.2010

Individual / Portrait

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid 2010
to reality than the acceptable image that has now become official. Using a pinhole camera, Jérôme

Thu 10.01.2013

Visual Perspectives

The Anthropocene Project. An Opening
digital animation, documenting reality-effects and the evolutionary history of a “virtual” second nature


bear any relation to reality, they can still coin attitudes and shape policy strategies. The reciprocal

Fri 24.03.2006

Between Past and Future

China – Between Past and Future
monumental dialogues with reality. Wang Qingsong dedicates his huge digitally manipulated works to the

The Berlin Declaration of The Many

power in their favour become reality. We, the supporters of Berlin theatres, art galleries, museums and

Sat 9.10.2021

Socializing Evidence

Investigative Commons
now take over the means of (evidence) production and define how reality around them is framed and

Thu 4.05.2006

Curator's Night: Ou Ning

China – Between Past and Future
is greater than that of dramas because it eloquently shows the power reality itself projects.“ (Ou

Thu 24.03.2022

The Whole Life. Archives & Imaginaries

The Whole Life. Archives & Imaginaries
Present reality Technology (...)

Sat 24.10.2009

Negotiating Difference

Frenetic Homeland
Reality, Meiqin Wang (California State University Northridge) 11:30 Panel Response – Francesca Dal Lago

Partners and Team: The Whole Life: Archives and Reality

The Whole Life. Archives & Reality is a collaboration between Arsenal – Institute for Film and (...)
Partners and Team: The Whole Life: Archives and Reality

Schools of Tomorrow: 10 Action Recommendations

Free WiFi in schools Learning from the students Using potentials of social media Virtual reality and

Mississippi. An Anthropocene River: Curatorial statement

politics, technological systems and the socio-ecological reality produced by these. Transformations abound

Sun 9.12.2007

Film programme 7: Syria

DI/VISIONS. Culture and Politics of the Middle East
Gorani offers insights into the discrepancy between ideology and reality. The film documents the

Mon 17.10.2005

35 mm Persia

35 mm Persia
about the reality of research itself. Based on several films, we should like to give you an insight into

(Un-)Learning Place

constructing, situating and criticizing reality. During the Opening Days of HKW’s new long-term project The New

Berlin Documentary Forum 2

reality. In the exhibition "A Blind Spot", curator Catherine David questions the indexical character


reality. In the exhibition "A Blind Spot", curator Catherine David questions the indexical character

The Whole Life Academy Dresden

Within the framework of The Whole Life. Archives & Reality, the first program of the international

Immortality for All: a film trilogy on Russian Cosmism

life, on Earth. The ultimate goal, as illuminated in the short film, was “to construct a new reality

The Whole Life. An Archive Project: More about the Project

. Archives & Reality (2019) was based on the transformation of the Archiv der Avantgarden (AdA) of the