Floating Mocambo
Boat tour with interactive installation, workshop, listening session
Sa., 24.8.2024
With ticket of the Long Night of Museums
Please also reserve a seat.
Sa., 24.8.2024
Departure: Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Kanzleramt)
Arrival: Hauptbahnhof/Futurium Berlin
Duration: 90'
In German and English

Photo: Philipp Albers / HKW
How do we stay or become resilient? Can we find refuge in ourselves? Which role do our bodies play?
Floating Mocambo invites the audience to a boat tour across the river Spree. Participants glide over the water and through workshops, spaces of exchange and discovery, becoming part of a floating installation with interactive elements. At the center lies the question of how we can visualize and strengthen the resilience of bodies. An accompanying audiotrack creates a speculative-poetic connection between alternative practices of knowledge and forms of mediation. Body-centered and activist knowledge will be made tangible aboard and encounter the audience in the form of songs, performances, audio plays, and short workshops. Alternating between the differing scenery of the boat and one’s own radius of experience, in the interaction of perceiving and participating, observation and action, moments emerge that—in the best case—will resonate with the guests after the tour.
Floating Mocambo is this year’s iteration of the School of Quilombismo, that works with different aspects of diasporic, alternative, and radical pedagogies every year, and together with its participants develops practical methods to orient oneself in our crisis-ridden present. This year’s School of Quilombismo takes in view the principle of the Mocambos, the resilient settlements in Brazil of those that fled their enslavement They are smaller units of self-organized resistance and personal remembering. This is what Floating Mocambo invites the audience to: building a temporary, resilient community within the temporal and spatial confinement of a boat tour, practicing solidarity and celebrating the fortune of learning together.
For this iteration, Olivia Wenzel and Hieu Hoang join their creative forces to create an entertaining and profound experience. In this they are supported by members of the interdisciplinary literature project 1000 junge Gegenwarten and several artists who work with body-based practices.
Part of the Lange Nacht der Museen