on movement(s) and collectives—Black Radicals in/and Berlin
David Scott in conversation with Black Radicals in Berlin.
Keynote Conversation
Fr., 7.7.2023
Safi Faye Hall
Free entry
(in English)

Lamine Senghor at the International Conference against Colonial Oppression and Imperialism, Brussels, 1927. Public domain
Radical movements strive for transformative solidarity amid difference and across locations while situating and grounding their collective actions within local strengths, needs, and struggles. In this conversation, David Scott and anti-racist groups in Berlin discuss contemporary triumphs and challenges of Black radical movements across various locations, how international struggles connect to the local and how concepts translate into practice.
A partnership between HKW, the RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms at the University of Potsdam, and the Amo Collective at the Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Further events featuring David Scott:
Sat., 3.6.2023 16:00
Between Revolution and Repair: Rereading Walter Rodney’s “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa”
Keynote Lecture
Fri., 9.6.2023 18:00–22:00
The Sonic Vernacular: Blackness, Sound, and Fugitivity
Screenings, Conversation