In the chaos of current world events, poetry is often one of the last remaining anchors— a voice of consolation or simply a means of keeping focus. On the historic date of the expansion of the war in Ukraine, poets with different mother tongues read from their works—against despair, in solidarity, and for a togetherness that cannot be divided into national camps. They are united through their verse.

With Julia Cimafiejeva, Gintaras Grajauskas, Anna Hetzer, Anastasiia Kosodii, Ivana Sajko, Krzysztof Siwczyk, Miruna Vlada, Uljana Wolf; Deaf Performance: Dana Cermane, Eyk Kauly, Matias Schäfer; moderated by Sasha Marianna Salzmann and Max Czollek

Video in the HKW Mediathek

Music by Vesna: To Learn from the Light 

Vesna’s music is characterized by acoustic beats, electronic soundscapes, and intense vocal art. In their new programme, the trio takes up the fight with the crisis-ridden world in which the individual threatens to fall under the wheels of time. Contemporary poetry from Ukraine forms the backbone for songs that oscillate between raw sounds and delicate voices. Vesna has invited two special guests from Ukraine, the singers Yuriy Gurzhy and Jurij Josyfovych, especially for this evening. With visuals by Valerij Lisac

With Mariana Sadovska, Christian Thomé, Jörg Surrey, Yuriy Gurzhy, Jurij Josyfovych

Video in the HKW Mediathek

Information in German Sign Language (DGS):


Video: yomma