Queering the Field
With Fikri Anıl Altıntaş, Esther M. Franke, and Almut Sülzle, moderated by Jakob Grüner
Panel Conversation
Sa., 22.6.2024
Pavilion (Semra Ertan Garden)
Free entry
In German with simultaneous translation into English and German Sign Language (DGS)

Alice Kell for England (striped shirt) greets Madeleine Bracquemond for France ahead of a match in 1920. Image: Public Domain/Wikicommons
While women in football are becoming increasingly present not only as players and fans, but also as journalists, commentators, or referees, important struggles against sexism, misogyny, and sports machismo are still being fought. Imbued with material regimes of desire and subjectivation, the world’s most popular sport still remains a privileged space for promoting masculinity and performing gendered difference as social form. How can we approach the field not only as a site for extended visibility and representational justice, but as a scene for reconfiguring established grammars of gender, sexuality, and body politics? What gender expressions are performed situationally and how do players engage in acts of queering that challenge binary gender norms? What other practices of care and intimacy are put forth, what alliances are built by clubs and activist organizations on the ground?