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Ballet of the Masses
On Football and Catharsis

A Participatory Planet
Relational Paths Towards Environmental Justice

Echoes of the Brother Countries

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2024
Prize for Contemporary Literatures in Translation

As Though We Hid the Sun in a Sea of Stories

Exercises in Transformation—Sergio Zevallos

Theatre of Reconciliation
Discussion series with Max Czollek

Tongue and Throat Memories
On Hospitality and Conviviality Through Food Knowledges and Convenings

Utopia Eastern Europe
Discourse Festival

Inherited Testimonies

O Quilombismo

Acts of Opening Again
Fri. 2 June 2023
Sat. 3 June 2023
Sun. 4 June 2023

Sonic Pluriverse Festival

What to do with the world?
Billboard Campaign in Berlin

AI: Ancestral Immediacies
Technologies of Making the Past Present

For the Love of Liberty?
(En)Countering Franklin

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2023
Prize for Contemporary Literatures in Translation

Middle Ground
Interactions –Transactions – Reciprocities

Pluri-Rhythm Festival
15 July 2023

Cultures d’Avenir
A European Learning and Exchange Programme

Schools of Sustainability
Agency in the Face of Crisis


Programme and Team Presentation
14 March 2023