Agency in the Face of Crisis (Closing Event)
Research, Workshops, Screening, Lecture, Conversations
Fr., 20.9.2024
Safi Faye Hall
Angie Stardust Foyer
Bessie Head Foyer
Free entry, with registration via
In German

Closing Conference 'Kann Schule Klima retten?' in the context of S.O.S. – Schools of Sustainability, 2022. Photo: Laura Fiorio © MVT photography
The project presentation within the framework of the closing event presents the results of the artistic research at the three participating schools to the public. Following a tour of the project results, workshops are held in which the participating students get to know the different artistic practices of the other schools. Furthermore, there is an opportunity to participate in an upcycling workshop, to create one’s own paints from natural materials, to prepare a sustainable, regional and seasonal lunch for everyone, or document the day with a professional film team. In addition, short films on the seventeen UN sustainability goals, produced by students from the Nürtingen and Rosa Parks elementary schools in cooperation with the artists from the collective sideviews, are shown. The programme also includes short presentations of diverse teaching materials developed during Schools of Sustainability I & II.
In the afternoon, following short inputs from experts, three workshops for educational practitioners explore action strategies for school and extra-curricular learning along the following themes: Climate justice and education / On dealing with climate concerns and fears / Agency in the face of crisis.
Welcome, warm-up, and presentation of the project
with João Albertini and the participating school classes
Exhibition tour and internal workshops with Marcos García Pérez & Marta Sala, Bahar Meriç & Julian Karnetzky, Atefeh Kheirabadi & Mehrad Sepahnia, Quiet City Films (Aline Bonvin, Aline Juárez, Svea Immel), Kunst-Stoffe e.V. (Jan-Micha Gamer), Umut Evers & Restlos Glücklich.
10:00 - 13:00
Public film screening: GOAL 17 - Get Together Now!
Short films on the seventeen UN sustainability goals, produced by pupils from the Nürtingen and Rosa Parks elementary schools in cooperation with the artists from sideviews, presentation of the teaching material developed during the project.
Presentation with students, teachers, artists
Moderation: João Albertini and Eva Stein
Introduction and Exhibition Walk
Eva Stein
15:15 Uhr
Presentation of the accompanying research
Nanna Lüth (UdK) and Brendan Howell
Climate justice & education
Different countries and regions of the world, as well as different population groups within our societies, are vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis to varying degrees. Those who have sufficient access to resources (money, mobility, work, technology) are better equipped to protect themselves from the effects of climate change. This access is dependent on gender, socioeconomic status, race, age, and disability—thus the climate crisis intensifies existing social injustices. The predominately ‘white’ climate movement in this country only has a peripheral understanding of these mechanisms. How can the diasporic perspective flow into the climate movement and be adapted to the local educational context?
With: Gülcan Nitsch (Yeşil Çember), Anthony Owosekun (EMPOCA), Yolima Vargas Garzón (Public Climate School). Moderation: Lucía Muriel (glokal e.V.)
On dealing with climate concerns and fears
Climate-related fears and a sense of hopelessness already occupy children and young people to such an extent that the psychological health of many of them is impaired. How can adults in the educational context address these worries? How can teachers, school social workers, childcare workers, and external experts intervene on the part of children in order to create protective spaces for the pupils and try out resilience techniques?
With: Felix Peter (Psychologists for Future), Tina Wendel (Kopfsachen e.V. - Mentale Gesundheit macht Schule). Moderation: Betül Daskin (school mental health coach)
Agency in the face of Crisis
The public media suggest that individual action is necessary to avert the climate catastrophe. Self-efficacy, agency: these terms conceal the hope that it is possible to influence decisive political changes and experience how one’s own actions, especially in a group, can affect political decisions. What opportunities for action are there, especially for young people? Experts from the fields of art, activism, and journalism report on their experiences and the effects of their actions.
With: Dante Davis (BUNDjugend), Kantom Azad (spoken word artist & activist). Moderation: Sara Schurmann (journalist, author, co-founder of the Netzwerk Klimajournalismus)
Wrap-Up Panel
With: Lucía Muriel, Betül Daskin, Sara Schurmann. Moderation: Eva Stein
Keynote + Conversation
Sithara Pathirana (Programme Director, Klima Biennale Wien)